Tuesday, September 18, 2012

8 hours of the New player barbarians Parkour the single brush purgatory Sharing

This article does not a new theory, the only dual cyclone is suitable for novice players to experience the Build Once you master the basic knowledge, skills and equipment with a reasonable, on SOLO purgatory.
I to Diablo 3 ashes Diablo 3 novice. Last week to buy Diablo 3, the first role is barbarian; just arrived the day before 60.
The novice barbarians Parkour 8 hours the single brush purgatory Sharing
Insight purgatory difficulty last night for the first time, so after the morning call it a day, consuming 6 to 8 hours (middle to hell to help people to do the task). Along the way to see the elite all clear. Addition to complement BUFF, s anger, not Shahui Touguai. As a no experience not installed, three not based Friends no money no ", the landlord experience should be able to cover the novice Manzi their suffering:
Dazzling mix of skills, auction house price pit father, only poor pockets of a few gold coins.
Later we found that the forum few God paste from principle to practice ground out clearly what should shape a qualified parkour Manzi.
Do nothing or ask everyone think about the less, the landlord a brief summary of what the archive, but also to give you a reference.
Basic knowledge
Dual cyclone basics, see the God of the following posts: "1.0.4 unlimited the dual cyclone legendary level Raiders". Post can be described as across the ancient and modern, through the Chinese and foreign. To the property from the historical to the status quo, skills and equipment to tactics, and even mainstream non-mainstream philosophical speculation. And most important, have logical ah pro! Skills part looked you know why it Parkour core skills which, around the core of what is the Build, what skills and Rune Required which is optional. Not only have a complete picture, as well as the details of each part of the role and comparison, so that you clearly understand how life according to their status quo, two three, three double cyclone. Landlord immediately after reading it to determine the six active six-Rune passive all skills vesting fully appreciate the "No 30 has perplexed pleasure.
We recommend at least after reading this section, you will not ask my equipment skills with how ah? Should change which skills? "Problem. Not equipped to analyze the various attributes given the comparison formula, the University mathematics are no pass the landlord regarded as frightened. As the saying goes: not read the op at the conclusion can not read the blackbody look bold. The landlord still keep in mind the following three bold, underlined, marked lifeline:
Act I: 600 strike back, 400 anti-25000 blood
Act II: The 1000 strike back, 600 anti-blood 35000
Act III: 1800 strike back, 800 anti-blood 45000
As for part of the way ... used to playing action games the landlord that slightly pit father (__!), In fact, can be summed up in three sentences:
Play-off hit, beat and ran, not knowing he fire too and even hit and run.
Mix of skills
The following skills and Rune landlord derives from God paste the novice Manzi said nothing changes leeway. The active skill illustrate God (they are actually copied paste):
The novice barbarians Parkour 8 hours the single brush purgatory Sharing
Parkour damage output / hit the Reply / Reply mainly rely the small cyclone AOE sprint anger. To maximize whirlwind effect, they must try to make the distribution to the middle of the group of strange. Whirlwind can curve wearing strange, small wind appears in the position you want. Can also skip the ordinary strange buildup Road. The novice and equipment crit is not enough, the battle rage itself strong and explosive is the main source of Paolu process anger Reply. Super Saiyan with Endless Wrath the elite battle to keep the entire process, or the the A3/A4 casually in a control skills stand flutter. Production anger skills Slam + Mengxi two strike after Mengxi can trigger weapons guru (heavy weapons) back anger can also trigger explosive back anger.
Slam + the Mengxi + Main Hand the equipment heavy weapons, basically guarantee of drop Single elite / BOSS Saiyan able to maintain or consume slow. Resistance roar not explain.
Passive skills (I will tell you also copy it):
Weapon Master + the main hand equipment heavy weapons, in the case of not enough equipment crit smooth generate anger, not suddenly skills interrupted. Election superstitions do not choose the armor, because it seconds are remote strange magic; hurt back 3 anger is also useful, chasing Molten Saiyan will not be broken. Ruthless tyranny 5 explosive 50 blast injuries do not explain.
Equipment selection
After reading God paste, a mental parkour Manzi was born. But equipment? 1800 hit back 800 anti-4W5 blood very powerful, immortal sets also formidable. Not to the role of a 60, which Minato go ah?
This was to summon the trance to paste two complete theory Xiangyingchengqu excellent practice: 30 million to create the lowest savages gold clearance equipment (limit the Cock wire Manzi equipped with experience). God affixed with a style opposite: Language Kan Province, confusing layout, multi Figure few words, like to use an ellipsis. Generally seem rugged shallow running account, in fact, every sentence is vital everywhere flashing bare light of wisdom. How many people watched a rude awakening dawned sobering repentant called profiteers enemies, the savior of the poor. The reply from the landlord can be seen that the post is his painstaking efforts, in line with the good wishes of the human timeless: Robin Hood.
"Cock silk for a company to enter the third act qualifications are not, I believe that this post is for them, as if lost in the dark, people see that fire, so much good enough after all I went through a kind of road , even the second act small bees can casually put me to the RCC are more than one million at that time to see what forum about fitted even with the tens of millions, with the rubbish out ... ... the same people RCC would often posts this Cock silk not only loaded to force those players who need help with ideas, but also to improve their awareness of Manzi saving a lot of money wasted "- jefwsfchong
I believe that I have such a draw on his fitted with SOLO purgatory, and in heaven, he also can feel at ease Click the "Resurrection and losses repairs.
God paste two greatest value lies in two points:
1. Parkour barbarians through purgatory equipment baseline. No Buff, 1800 strike back, 600 anti, 50000 blood 15000 DPS.
Given a cost low enough with the equipment. Equipped with ideas straight cut hurts: the total property demand assigned to each slot, each site to find the most abundant properties.
Such as belt easily Colliers, 200 force search belt, dress pants do without. Plus properties such as crit, blast injury, seconds back, life percentage, not and will not be considered. His final result is a full set of 30 million gold. A newcomer picking up trash to purgatory this number. Some people said he was the Raiders out equipment a rose, 300,000 G to buy. In fact, little change in prices for the poor, because the people picking up trash patient visiting the auction to see the starting price. My equipment is able to shoot is never straight purchase. A few pieces are NPC reserve price or a little higher, one is not set. Profiteers not thousands of G at midnight to shoot with you. Can not find can also work, such as 45 anti-rings are expensive, I bought the 50 anti-helmet force / resistance ring, the same effect. Finally, the full set of about 20 million gold, all properties with him almost. But the cost of time is consumed only suitable for pure novice.

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