Friday, January 25, 2013

"Guild Wars 2" dynamic system: allowing the player to control the direction of the game world.

"Guild Wars 2" as a cross-age MMO epic, its innovative game set to break tradition, is no longer a single player game established design to experience the game, but the use of a dynamic system allowing the player with the entire interactive game world, "Guild Wars 2" has become a "live" game all the time in the player's actions and change. Players can rely on their own in the game as to influence the game world, and even change the game world. The farewell day after day, brush a copy of clear mission era, your actions to writing the Tyrian continent's history it!

Dynamic events: "Guild Wars 2" has become a life-world. buy or sell GW2 items
"Guild Wars 2" everywhere, always and everywhere in the dynamic events. The so-called "dynamic events", as the name suggests, it is the occurrence of conditions is random, some may be in the side of the road because you kill a mobs, it could be you free to pick up a little thing, could trigger a regional level large-scale event, even world-class participation and even rain, snow weather factors triggered, or the players involved in these events will occur as long as the trigger condition is satisfied. In short, the causal relationship between these events depends not only on the program settings, and more depending on the degree of development of the world and the player's behavior. (2)

Sometimes you just want to rest a while in one village, but the sudden appearance of a monster siege, this time you have to choose and the villagers beat the monster, or turned to flee. If you choose to flee, then the village will really compromised, captured the village of monsters will become the village of their stronghold, thoroughly occupied, and as a stronghold for outward expansion throughout the entire map.

Dynamic events in the game has more than thousands of some large dynamic events or even hundreds of people involved to complete these "Guild Wars 2" will become your adventure on the road most legendary experience!
Dynamic Level: level due to environmental changes (3) cheap Wars 2 gold

"Guild Wars 2" world, the player's level is no longer fixed, but with the environment constantly changes. Dynamic level adjustment system based on the role of the area where the change reaches the area of ??a 10 character level attributes, such as when a practical level for 50 roles, his attributes will automatically reduce the equivalent to 10 roles effective level. " The effective level green digital display next to the actual level of the players, also the hero on the panel below the actual level. Changes in property values ??will be the hero panel next to the property value is displayed in green text. A practical level to the role of the 30 world battlefield, the character level will be automatically upgraded to 80. It can be said that the dynamic rating system for all players to create a balanced PK environment, players must rely on their athletic prowess to win the final victory.
Dynamic Skills: limited occupational infinite skills

In many games, a career is only a set of skills, and the need to upgrade the level slowly learning vocational skills, "Guild Wars 2", you do not need cumbersome ran NPC to learn vocational skills, vocational skills by you carry a weapon to decide a career can often switch between a variety of weapons, which means that you can experience the many sets of vocational skills, perhaps before the moment you are holding a melee weapon in close combat, and the next moment you switch for remote weapons and long-range shooting, all of this is just simply switch weapons can easily achieve.

Dynamic Occupation: open and diverse game play (5)

Guild Wars 2 development team believes that too much emphasis on a single set of the professional role is not fair for players, so the "Guild Wars 2" on the left next three occupations: Damage vocational, supported employment and control of occupational, although occupational therapy, but there is no full-time each occupation has its own treatment skills. Thanks to the weapon to determine the skill set, coupled with the "Guild Wars 2" custom unique skill system, the player can freely mix the appropriate skills, instantaneous switching between three occupations, such as a guardian can instantly The state held a one-handed weapon and shield switch for hands weapons state, adjusting the combination of custom skills to complete the career transition from the control of occupational injury. If your operation is sharp enough you can take any position in the ranks, totally dependent on the individual's ability to lead the team to victory!
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